Sharing my eschatology view, you don't have to agree with me🙂 :
We know Tribulation or affliction (Greek word thlipsis) is the common lot of the church in every age 
1 Thessalonians 1:6
2 Corinthians 6:4
Acts 14:22
John 16:33
2 Tim 3:12
1 Peter 4:12-13 
When the period of grace is over, the church will be  taken out of much affliction/tribulation in the 6th seal. 
The great multitude from all tribes and tongues are the raptured and resurrected saints (Rev 7:9) They come out of great tribulation (Rev 7:14) or come out of the tribulation of those days (Matt 24:29) the great tribulation that the church experienced for the past 2000 years will culminate in "the tribulation of those days" and in the 6th seal that is when the church come out of it, and the church appear in heaven in Rev 7:9.
The final 7 years is the period of wrath of God, the  wrath of God will come soon after Rev 6:17, and we know the church is not appointed unto wrath (1 Thessalonians 5 :9) Church is raptured before 7th seal is opened. The seventh seal begins Daniel's 70th week, the final 7 years. 
The first 5 seals are the beginning of sorrows or birth pangs (Matt 24:8) , they are describing events happening in different intensity throughout the world since Christ ascension till today. 
First seal  correspond to Matthew 24:5 and 24:11 spirit of Antichrist and false religion which already  manifested in 1 John 2:18-19, and in the past 2000 years there are many false teachings and spirit of Antichrist is influencing the world since early church till today. (white rider conquering) 
Comments (7)
Add to my post above, it is interesting the first 7 seals are outside the scroll. The contents of the book or scroll is unsealed after the last seal, the seventh seal is opened. There is a a half hour solemn silence after that before the first trumpet judgment.
It is possible what is inside the book or scroll are the events of Daniel 70th week, the last 7 years

The great multitude in Rev 7:9 are people with glorified bodies, not souls without body. They are holding palm branches with their phys...  more
Thanks Thomas. Have you read David W Lowe's 'Earthquake Resurrection'? He presents scripture to support the hypothesis that the seals began opening when Christ ascended, and have been thus far, and that we are awaiting the 6th seal, earthquake resurrection event, and that the week of Jacob's trouble begins with the covenant and 7 trumpets. There's biblical substance to his work, it's quite compelling.
I have one question about this...the first seal is generally accepted as representing the AntiChrist, but we know from Paul that the AntiChrist cannot be revealed until the Restrainer is removed. If the Restrainer is the Holy Spirit working through the Church, then we, the Church, must be removed prior to the unveiling of the AntiChrist.
True, we can see evil throughout history. So, are you saying that since evil is still present in this world, the Holy Spirit has no power?
Paul suffered greatly at the hands of, and was martyred by, the government at that time, so I doubt he would think they (the government) would be restraining evil.
The "peace and safety" that Israel will be proclaiming is not here yet - nor has the final AntiChrist been revealed. It is possible, but only speculation at this point, that Israel is proclaiming...  more
God has been very clear about ‘The’ tribulation, Jacobs Wrath, beginning with the the confirmation of a firm covenant. Mistaking tribulation with Jacobs Wrath can lead to all kinds of difficulties… just as their are many antichrists, there are many tribulations. Those are not to be confused with The AC or The Tribulation (Jacobs Wrath).
God has shown in His grace that His timeline is exact. There will be 7 years of The Tribulation from the covenant made firm by The AC- no covenant has been conf...  more
1 Thessalonians 5:9

“For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,”

My mother and I spent many months searching the scriptures and trying to get the timing right on the rapture and the 7 year tribulation. From my chair here I have access to about 75 commentaries on Revelation and the one thing I am sure of is that none of them agree completely. I think we are watching it play out in real time and I trust my Lord Jesus.
Yes, absolutely the Holy Spirit has power in transforming lives! On that, we can definitely agree.
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